Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013

For the first year or so of Isaac's karate classes I was able to sit and watch in the dojo.  Sensei Wayne often has the parents out on the mat to help their child practice or learn new skills.  When Luke was about six months old, we got kicked out.  Luke is not a quiet child.  And even at six months he was intensely interested in what was going on in that karate class.  I clearly remember the day we got kicked out.  Sensei was counting loudly and the students were punching and yelling "Kiai!" with each punch.  Every time they yelled "Kiai!" Luke would do his own baby yell right along with them.  Everyone, including Sensei Wayne was dying laughing but then he asked us nicely to leave the room.  We probably couldn't have lasted in there many more weeks anyway.  Once Luke could crawl, there was no way he would still in there for an hour.  So we go in the extra therapy room and play and I take peeks through the window to see how Isaac is doing.  Thank goodness there are so many toys to keep us busy!  

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